Isa Velasquez

A solo act since the beginning of her music career, Dublin Rose is now joined by her backing band; Jake the second guitarist, Sammi on the bass, and Pat on the drums. Although alone Dublin was captivating, having her boys’ support has improved her gig atmosphere. Unlike some bands, who exclusively view each other as a business relationship, Dublin and her delinquents are clearly close friends. Pat stated, ‘We don’t just play music; it’s work and pleasure, we get together to rehearse and we might spend like five hours together and half that time we’re playing, and the other half is just hanging out.’
Sitting down with them for an interview proved to be difficult. When in the same room, it is impossible for them not to become distracted. Discussions about whether one should be known for their personality or their music, possible band tattoos (rats playing their respective instruments), or criticising Pat for mistaking Grease for Glee. There was constant talking over each other and laughter at inside jokes. The group’s closeness was evident in the comfortability with each other, and the warmth shown. Admittedly, I became distracted by them (it was hard not to) but I was able to somewhat collect answers from these rowdy musicians.
Where did you all start your music careers?
Jake: The year 7000BC. It was grade one. 2009. I played trumpet, then I played guitar.
Pat: Piano in prep, grade three I did violin, in grade five I picked up the ukulele, grade six guitar, and started teaching myself drums in grade nine and ten.
Sammi: I had bits and pieces of instrumental music lessons growing up. I played the clarinet and saxophone for a bit in year three, 2008. I was in the choir in primary school. I’ve been learning to play the bass for the last three years.
Dublin: I started in primary school with the choir. There was this teacher, Mr O’Keefe, who was involved in the Redcliffe Musical Theatre Group, and so I auditioned with my friend to be in The Wizard of Oz. I kept doing musicals with my best friend for five years. I joined School Rock, started playing guitar, and started busking in Cairns when I was eleven.
How does it feel having a backing band as opposed to performing as a solo artist?
Dublin: Way cooler, way more fun because I’ve done so many gigs alone. It’s genuinely lonely, you know? You don’t have anyone to share the experience with. I would just blank out for three hours and mindlessly observe while singing songs, not realising I’ve sung the second verse three times.
Have you considered changing the name considering you’re more of a band now?
Sammi: We play for her.
Jake: We’re just her backing band.
Dublin: Like Sammi has his own stuff, if he didn’t want to do this forever that would be okay. Everyone has their own thing going on.

What are your hopes for Dublin Rose?
Dublin: People hear my music and like it. They add it to their playlist and listen to it and they want more music and we become known, I guess. I don’t have to be famous—well actually to some extent—where people listen to our music. I wanna sell out a tour and do crazy stuff.
Jake: I’d prefer a mediocre to a small cult following, like people who actually care.
Pat: Think King Gizzard, outside Australia everyone is like “who the fuck is that?” But inside Australia, they’ll sell out tours.
Dublin: I wouldn’t mind winning a Grammy.
Pat: I would love to make money from my music, not have a 9-5, a shitty day job that I hate. I would do something to keep myself occupied but music is where it’s at. Right now, I’m just at work and I’m thinking “this kinda sucks.”
Sammi: I want to be remembered and respected as a musician. An icon of talent, an artisan. I wanna be viewed as a very skilled craftsman for a long time.
What is the process for songwriting, does everyone contribute?
Dublin: I usually write it all myself in my room, like the chords and the lyrics and then I show it to these guys, and they’ll just make it revolutionary.
Pat: We’ll tweak, maybe adjust a chord here or there.
Sammi: We’ve done two we’ve adjusted a fair bit.
Jake: I feel like for a lot of songs Dublin already has the sound figured out.
Sammi: We very rarely have songwriting input, we have a lot of arrangement input.
Dublin: I have so many half-written songs in my notes app, and honestly I don’t think I would have finished some of them without their help.
What are the individual projects you’re working on outside of the band?
Jake: Funny Jims, we’re doing Indieopia, and we’re currently organising a Jim’s & Friends event with like Arches who played at Big Sound, and other bands.
Pat: Rutherford Jazz Trio – we have an EP and new merch coming out soon.
Sammi: I’m trying to put together an EP/album that will be called Sammi’s Song- book.

We can’t forget about the lovely daydream that is Dublin, who will be releasing new music with the band very soon. Updates will be posted on Instagram: @dublinrose_.
Keep in the loop with Funny Jims upcoming gigs @funnyjims.
Rutherford Jazz Trio’s debut album is set to release on October 17th, contact @rutherfordjazztrio if you’re interested in purchasing their iconic crocheted fish hats.
If you would like a preview of Sammi’s music, @samichoux_ will build anticipation for his upcoming EP, Sammi’s Songbook.
Listen to Dublin and her band of delinquents now on Spotify.
Editors: Brock Scholte