The High Priestess

Beth Davis

May I be the woman encased

in blue satin for years to come;

adorned in a diadem

and licking

the sweet flesh off peeled pomegranates.


May you see me at the forefront

of the temple; in either black

or white

between realms, blessed

with foreseeing eyes; saccharine intuition.


At the intersection,

where our mother sun

and father moon

so often pass.


When you drew me

and placed me upside down,

your ignorance did not make my

divine power waver;

what always is,

will be

and always will have been.


May I now withdraw

in sacred silence; from

a mortal

that ignored

my sacred intuition.


May I be

by far,

the most



a man will ever learn.

Author: Elizabeth Davis is a queer Scottish poet located in Meanjin. After studying journalism at QUT, the woes and triumphs of humanity are something she delves into both professionally and artistically. With a focus on body-positivity and the beauty of nature, her poetry can be found on @e.cdaviswrites.

Artist: Irene Liao is a visual art student from Taiwan who aims to present figurative human art through her watercolour pieces.

Editor: Bea Warren and Euri Glenn