
Jak Kirwin

asexual agrarian commune

fertile mud flats

jogging home in jeans

a figure eight tattoo on your waist

daisy print panties

Wrangler, drugstore cowboy

riding bikes down big hills

watching fish fly

cream and Schnapps

bonfires at strangers’ houses

watching the patrons playing darts

More Chilli, bad debts et cetera

falling deeply in and

out of love, misunderstood

staying out late

walking home at dawn

pissing, passing out on lawns

finding our way in and

out of youth

and it seems shoes that no longer fit

are the only ones we wish to wear

Jak is a Brisbane based writer and poet with an interest in introspective work using nature as a conduit. His poetry has appeared in Glass and Scratch That. His prose has appeared in The Equal Standard. He can be found on Instagram at Jakkirwin.