Phoenix Sunrider

Vacant to the world, my mind is
Empty, lost to the darkness. I am
Ready to be saved, please
Find me before it’s too late for us.
Remember how I saved you
Every time you fell?
Maybe it’s time you saved me.
Don’t overthink, I know you’re
Under a lot of stress.
Never stop believing me. I’ll repeat that I love you.
Give me some hope that you love me too.
So often I feel disconnected from you, almost
Every time I see you. I want to love you. Don’t
Forget me. I want to be able to
Forgive you. I don’t want to be lost, but your sorries are
Empty. I want to be
Kind, it’s who I am. But to be myself, I’ve realised it’s
Time to let go.
Author: Phoenix Sunrider (they/she) is an aspiring authour with several works in the making. They love all kinds of animals and add as many as possible to all their works, whether it’s high fantasy, magical realism, or even fanfiction. They currently have no social media platforms, but they hope to develop some when more work is complete.
Artist: Phoenix Sunrider
Edited by: Ashley Commens